MISSION12         goo.gl/kBeZex(in polish)       DIFFICULTY: ██████░░░░ [6/10]
While searching through captured drives, we've found an encrypted ZIP file.
Since we don't know the password - and have reasons to suspect it's strong,
thus not guessable nor breakable - we're turning to you, requesting your help. 
Good luck!

This time the write-up will be a little bit different, as the way I solved it is… pretty damn boring. I’ve literally spent fair amount of time just reading specifics of what ZIP file, and its format is. That being said, let’s see what got on our tinkering station this time.

imgOkay, so bunch of txt files, weirdly even in their size.

So… after reading about ZIP, we eventually learn it uses CRC32. Delving into what CRC is, we find out it’s reversible, if the initial (in our case) string is exactly 4 (or less than 4) bytes long. How peculiar, coincidentally all the files, except one, in our ZIP are 4 bytes big.

Well, that being said, let’s see if we can guess the content of our encrypted files. First, let’s retrieve the content CRCs.

fox@fox-desktop:~/Downloads$ zipinfo -v secrets.zip | grep CRC
  32-bit CRC value (hex):                         00000000
  32-bit CRC value (hex):                         7a5a8805
  32-bit CRC value (hex):                         42661db3
  32-bit CRC value (hex):                         0697339d
  32-bit CRC value (hex):                         d27eea40
  32-bit CRC value (hex):                         79e36fca
  32-bit CRC value (hex):                         4b1587fd
  32-bit CRC value (hex):                         a65fa2d1
  32-bit CRC value (hex):                         339f6b3c
  32-bit CRC value (hex):                         04cc23db
  32-bit CRC value (hex):                         ede6bb0f
  32-bit CRC value (hex):                         e3039df9
  32-bit CRC value (hex):                         b64d1cb7
  32-bit CRC value (hex):                         b961c051
  32-bit CRC value (hex):                         b7829373
  32-bit CRC value (hex):                         5ae5c062
  32-bit CRC value (hex):                         1dde116c
  32-bit CRC value (hex):                         ed5af2eb
  32-bit CRC value (hex):                         3f1ad5da
  32-bit CRC value (hex):                         3b14214c
  32-bit CRC value (hex):                         b66f8037
  32-bit CRC value (hex):                         8ebd47de
  32-bit CRC value (hex):                         50810704
  32-bit CRC value (hex):                         0e201f1c
  32-bit CRC value (hex):                         9e6bffd3

Great, we can drop the 00000000 as it’s just the folder our files are stored in. Now to guess what the strings resulting in these CRCs are!

from zlib import crc32
from itertools import product
from string import printable

zipcrc = [int(x, 16) for x in [ "7a5a8805", "42661db3", "0697339d", "d27eea40", "79e36fca",
                                "4b1587fd", "a65fa2d1", "339f6b3c", "04cc23db", "ede6bb0f",
                                "e3039df9", "b64d1cb7", "b961c051", "b7829373", "5ae5c062",
                                "1dde116c", "ed5af2eb", "3f1ad5da", "3b14214c", "b66f8037",
                                "8ebd47de", "50810704", "0e201f1c", "9e6bffd3" ]]
for char in printable:
    fcrc = crc32(char.encode()) & 0xffffffff

    if fcrc in zipcrc:
        print("secret %d => %s %d" % (zipcrc.index(fcrc), char, fcrc))

for data in product(printable, repeat=4):
    dat = ''.join(data)
    fcrc = crc32(dat.encode()) & 0xffffffff

    if fcrc in zipcrc:
        print("secret %d => %s %d" % (zipcrc.index(fcrc), dat, fcrc))

which gives us a nice output of

fox@fox-desktop:~/Downloads$ python crc.py
secret 23 => ! 2657877971
secret 6 => away 2791285457
secret 20 => d yo 2394769374
secret 14 => for  1525006434
secret 3 => have 3531532864
secret 8 => h it 80487387
secret 17 => ling 1058723290
secret 16 => medd 3982160619
secret 13 => n't  3078787955
secret 19 => s an 3060760631
secret 5 => ten  1259702269
secret 2 => uld  110572445
secret 21 => ur C 1350633220
secret 12 => were 3110191185
secret 15 => you  501092716
secret 0 => And  2052753413
secret 1 => I wo 1113988531
secret 22 => RC32 236986140
secret 10 => , if 3808665081
secret 4 =>  got 2044948426
secret 11 =>  it  3058506935
secret 18 =>  kid 991174988
secret 9 =>  too 3991321359
secret 7 =>  wit 866085692

Since I am lazy, let’s make it a little bit easier to read.

fox@fox-desktop:~/Downloads$ cat res.txt | sort --version-sort

secret 0 => And  2052753413
secret 1 => I wo 1113988531
secret 2 => uld  110572445
secret 3 => have 3531532864
secret 4 =>  got 2044948426
secret 5 => ten  1259702269
secret 6 => away 2791285457
secret 7 =>  wit 866085692
secret 8 => h it 80487387
secret 9 =>  too 3991321359
secret 10 => , if 3808665081
secret 11 =>  it  3058506935
secret 12 => were 3110191185
secret 13 => n't  3078787955
secret 14 => for  1525006434
secret 15 => you  501092716
secret 16 => medd 3982160619
secret 17 => ling 1058723290
secret 18 =>  kid 991174988
secret 19 => s an 3060760631
secret 20 => d yo 2394769374
secret 21 => ur C 1350633220
secret 22 => RC32 236986140
secret 23 => ! 2657877971

Well, there we go. Our flag is “And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you meddling kids and your CRC32!”. No explosions, no fireworks, not even firecrackers this time. Rather just somewhat boring task of learning more about ZIP. (Though at first I attempted brute-forcing the password, just in case the mission author wanted to fool us ;)